Friday, January 29, 2010


The baby is sleeping, though it's hard to tell for how long. She didn't do too bad last night, though she still woke me up every 2 hours. I'm starting to have vague recollections of how this went with JD as I'm fairly certain it went about the same as with L. I put her to bed around 7:30. She screams for anywhere from 0 minutes (when I'm super lucky!) to about 30 minutes before zonking out. She usually, but not always, wakes up about 45 minutes to an hour later and cries for 2 to 30 minutes. Then she seems to be out for a few hours. I've decided not to get her up to eat if it's been less than 4 hours. When I do get her up, we both fall asleep in the bed and I put her in the crib when she, invariably, wakes me again in an hour or 2. She usually fusses briefly then falls asleep. She usually wakes up in another hour or 2, but I don't get her, so she screams for a few minutes before going back to sleep. I get her the next time she wakes, regardless of the time, and usually keep her with me until we get up for the day, usually between 7:30 and 8. This morning she was up at 6:30 because she strained to get a poop out. Time to ditch the rice cereal and move onto oatmeal or barley. =\

JD made me laugh the other day, even though the situation was annoying. I was putting L down to sleep and told JD to play quietly in his room. Instead, he stood in his doorway and called, "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" He didn't need me... He just wanted my attention. I went back to his room and sternly told him to cut it out because his sister needed to go to sleep, then I went back to L. This time JD followed me into the nursery, making lots of noise in the process. I sternly told him to go back to his room, which he did. When I went back to him and asked him why he didn't listen to me, he said, "Big brothers can be obnoxious." I said, "No kidding," as I stifled a laugh.

The sermon at church last Sunday was on patience. I don't think there could have been a more appropriate sermon for me!

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